The Leftover Caesar Salad by Culinary Misfits
The Leftover Caesar Salad
by Culinary Misfits
3 stale bread rolls or dry bread, 2 beetroots, 1 small onion, Garlic, Ginger, Fresh rosemary, Salt & pepper, 5 tbsp olive oil, 4 tbsp apple juice, 2 tbsp tahini paste, Feta cheese (crumbled), 2-3 handfuls fresh greens

1. Cut bread into 1-inch cubes. If the bread isn't hard yet, dry it slowly in the oven.
2. Take off the root of the beetroot, then scrape it and cut it into small pieces.
3. Heat your oven to 200ºC and place half the beetroot along with the diced onion, together with grated garlic and ginger, 2 finely-minced sprigs of rosemary and a drizzle of olive oil. Roast for around 15 minutes.
4. To make the dressing, blend half the beets with the rest of the olive oil, apple juice and tahini.
5. Place the roasted vegetables and dressing together in a mixing bowl, let sit for a few minutes. Taste and add salt & pepper and lemon juice to taste.
6. Arrange the greens on a serving plate, followed by the roasted vegetables and top with some crumbled feta.

About Culinary Misfits
Culinary Misfits is a duo founded in 2012 by the designers Lea Brumsack and Tanja Krakowski. They think it’s wrong that a lot of fruit and vegetables are thrown away because of they don’t fit within the measures of cosmetic standards. Culinary Misfits decided to celebrate the beauty of natural diversity.